The right product for everyone

Individually-tailored solutions and tax optimisation

Choose from a balanced investment strategy (securities solution) and vested benefits account (account solution).

Securities solution

Part or all of your vested pension benefits are invested in securities. You can choose from three strategies with different income and risk profiles.

PFS Income

Strategic equity allocation: 15%
TER: 0.67%

PFS Classic

Strategic equity allocation: 30%
TER: 0.61%

PFS Growth

Strategic equity allocation: 45%
TER: 0.58%

Benefits for you

  • Broad diversificationInvestments are broadly diversified; weekly tradability with no fees or charges.
  • Competitive termsCompetitive terms, monthly performance factsheets.

Account solutions

A vested benefits account lets you hold on to your retirement savings when you take a break from or give up your job in Switzerland. Foundation members with investment products of a total value of CHF 5’000.- or more per account will continue to have their account(s) managed free of charge.

Current interest rate: 0.2% p.a. from July 1, 2023

Benefits for you

  • Attractive tax ratesYou benefit from the attractive withholding tax rates in the canton of Schwyz.
  • Reduced tax rateWithholding tax does not apply to vested pension benefits. Either a reduced tax rate or the withholding tax rate applies when pension benefits are paid out.